
The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year Of Holidays and Resolution Smoothies {CLOSED}


Happy New Year!!!

After a year of indulging in delicious dishes I’m ringing in the new year with my fingers wrapped tightly around a scrumptious smoothie as visions of resolutions dance in my head.

Do you make New Year resolutions? I usually think about making them and then never see them through to fruition. So this year I’ve just made a little promise to myself. I’ve decided to make sure that I carve out the time to embrace and celebrate my family, friends and food each and every day. It’s a simple concept but one that I want to keep in the forefront of my mind rather than on the sidelines of a busy hectic life.

Family, friends and food. My trifecta of life.

That’s what I love about Ree’s (aka The Pioneer Woman)  new book. Whether she’s sharing her recipes and stories on her blog or celebrating life on the ranch on television, she always seems to eloquently celebrate the magic that comes together with friends, family and food. And have you seen her newest cookbook, The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year Of Holidays? 

Well let me show you.


It’s exquisite.

Every holiday unfolds before you in chapter after chapter of beautiful photos that capture the very essence of each and every month. Delicious step-by-step recipes, heartwarming stories, precious family photographs and snippets of life on the ranch make this so much more than a cookbook. It’s a lovely little reminder to do the same with your own family.






A reminder to embrace life and all of the little blessings that are tucked into not only every season but also in each and every day.

So as I lazily sip on one of Ree’s scrumptious smoothies, my mind weaves through the memories of the year past.


And I eagerly await the new year and the magic of what’s to come!!


Maybe you should treat yourself to the same indulgence!

We have 3 lucky winners!!

#13 Alina who said, “Yes, I made new year’s resolutions. Top of my list is to be more organized and manage my time more wisely.”

#67 Julie who said, “I don’t usually make resolutions; I find I forget about them within a few weeks. Thanks for the chance to win!”

#115 Amber who said, “My resolution is to get in shape for my upcoming wedding. Oh, and to plan said wedding.”

Congratulations ladies! I will contacting you via email about your PW cookbook details!! Thanks so much for joining in the fun!!

GIVEAWAY! {Now Closed}

Ree has generously offered 3 signed copies of The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year Of Holidays to giveaway here on Wenderly!!  Talk about the PERFECT way to kick off the new year, right?!? 

To enter : leave a comment on this post telling me if you make new year resolutions and if you do what are they? 

Entries will be accepted until midnight EST on Wednesday, January 8, 2014. Winners will be randomly chosen and notified via email after giveaway ends. Good Luck!


Don’t forget to treat yourself to one of these beauties…

Purple Resolution Smoothies
Author: Wenderly
  • 2 cups Greek Yogurt (plain)
  • 2 cups frozen blueberries
  • 2 cups frozen mixed berries
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 head read cabbage
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1 cup cranberry or grape juice
  1. Put the Greek yogurt, frozen berries, banana, cabbage, honey and juice into a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour into your favorite glass and enjoy!
Recipe from The Pioneer Woman Cooks A Year Of Holidays



And then roll up your sleeves and dig in to all the deliciousness that Ree’s book has to offer!

Happy New Year!!




Married my soulmate. Mama of 2. Love to inspire. Can't help but to relish in all things beautiful inside & out. Join me in Savoring the Art of Living.


  1. I am going to focus on being a better me. As a mother, a wife, and having a job outside of the home, I often neglect me. Time to focus on getting me to a better place.

  2. I do make resolutions and have made several for this year. Among them include many related to my business, as well a personal resolutions. For business, I hope to get to a point where I feel comfortable enough to give up on my job and work solely on what I want to do.

  3. My resolution is to say Yes more and to find reasons to do things rather than not do things.

  4. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. Here’s why: I always have goals that I am working on so it’s a year-round process for me and I don’t like labeling them as New Year’s resolutions because goals are something that you can set and strive for at any time of the year!

  5. I just purchased a treadmill that I think will make a difference in my activity level. Resolutions can
    be made at any time and the beginning of the year is a good start for me.

  6. Yes, I made new year’s resolutions. Top of my list is to be more organized and manage my time more wisely.

  7. Definitely. It’s always fun to see if you actually keep up throughout the year. My resolution is to take a class in something I’ve never done before.

  8. I don’t usually make any New Year’s resolution, but I did this year to live more healthy, both physically and spiritually.

  9. The smoothies look delicious! Will try them this weekend! I don’t usually make resolutions, but do start every new year with a renewed attitude about the blessings in life that I hope will last the whole year through 🙂

  10. I normally don’t make resolutions but this year I’ve decided to resolve to simplify and be happy. I’m very blessed and want to live life showing my appreciation for my blessings!

  11. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. I make resolutions for myself constantly, but I never make a point to begin those changes on January 1. Maybe setting a timeline for them would help me keep them!

  12. No Resolutions for me. I work with food and love food…. too hard to think about torturing myself lol I love to eat and cook and travel!

  13. This new year I hope to graciously accept what life has given me as we try to have a baby after years of failure.

  14. I do set resolutions. This year, I resolve to minimize stress by not overcommitting or overextending myself. Learn to say no and not feel bad. Do what I can and not stress about what I was unable to do.

  15. I made resolutions to work on finances and be more of my own self- less worrying about others and what they think.

  16. Yes! This year is to focus on being a more patient and present mother. Put away the phone and play with my beautiful daughter.

  17. I’m not the best resolution maker, I had already told my family that after the holidays were over we need to start eating more healthy. I would love a copy of The Pooneer woman’s cookbook, I already have the other two.

  18. In the past I have made the typical resolutions to quit smoking, to lose weight, exercise more etc. Most lasted a short time although I did quit smoking about 12 years ago. This year I noticed people choosing a word like joy or compassion to define their year. I loved this idea so my word for 2014 is positive. I am going to have positive thoughts, words and actions. Happy New Year!

  19. Yes I do! This year mine are to focus on health instead of weight, start raising chickens(got a coop for Christmas yay!), plant a garden and do more good deeds in secret. I love your photography. Very beautiful!

  20. New Years resolutions and I don’t have a good tract record but I am striving to be more compassionate this year. Not just to others but to myself as well.

    Hope to win one of these and that purple smoothie looks yummy.

  21. I always make them but never stick to them. But this year I’m going to really try to eat more healthy and exercise.

  22. I don’t really make resolutions, but I do make a decision to be better at something each year. This year? Pray more, and learn more about the bible. Thanks for the chance to win Ree’s book!

  23. I haven’t been the best at keeping traditional resolutions, but last year and this year I discovered Lara Casey’s Making Things Happen goal setting and it REALLY helps me out! Figuring out what I did and didn’t do well in the past year, and making small changes to reach my overarching goals is a lot better for me than “lose the weight” etc etc. This year I want to be more adventurous and explore my artistic side more!

  24. Add more healthy eating and activities. Positive thinking, helping others ans continued personal growth.

  25. I love the idea of resolving to be better and challenge ourselves to reach new dreams. In 2014 I want to read more books and do more yoga/running.

  26. This year I am trying to eat healthier, exercise more, and appreciate more of the little things.

  27. I would love her new book! She is awesome! Last year I had weight loss surgery after struggling with weight my whole life and now I’ve lost 140 pounds!! My resolution this year is to step up my workout routine and tone up! Gonna try this smoothie recipe in the morning before my workout!

  28. Love this giveaway! I love Ree! And your blog is amazing! Personally, I don’t make New Years Resolutions. I prefer to stick it out with my goals. My family has a tradition of going over our accomplishments, mistakes, and memories of the previous year on New Years Eve. I love it because meaningful reflection is so much more motivating than random resolutions. Plus it’s a great bonding experience, we laugh and cry and talk together to start the year.

    Happy New Year! 🙂

  29. I usually do not make resolutions, however, after this last year I am going to try and operate under the following guideline: It is easier to keep up than it is to catch up!

  30. I used to make resolutions but felt so about not living up to them that I decided to not make them anymore. Wait…was that a resolution?

  31. Those smoothies look amazing!
    My new years resolutions are to be a more thrifty cook and to make my 3rd pregnancy (Christmas surprise) the healthiest yet.

  32. I do notmake new year resolutions. I feel changes need to be life changes and not yearly changes in order for them to work 🙂

  33. I don’t like New Years resolutions because I rarely keep them, but I am looking forward to the blessings I know God will bring this year. Making sure to acknowledge Him in every one. ❤️

  34. This year I made a resolution to appreciate each moment with my family and have more home cooked family meals. Also, to have more patience with my energetic children 🙂
    Happy 2014!

  35. I don’t really make resolutions since i find them really hard to follow through with all year, but I do plan what I am inspired by and what I aspire to do. This year it’s making more time to do stuff for me and to relax and take time for me.

  36. My News Years Resolution would be to just love. Love my friends and family more. Spend quality time with them and make wonderful memories!

  37. I think I’m doing a simple resolution to use the food we have in the freezer and pantry. Time to clean out!

  38. Besides the usual resolutions to eat less, move more, be healthier, read more, and go to bed early, I have also resolved to do more anonymous/random acts of kindness this year.

  39. I don’t bother with New Years resolutions. I just try to make myself a better person from the year before.

  40. We moved to a smaller home in 2012, spent 2013 organizing, now my resolution for 2014 is to keep it clean and organized!

  41. Yes, we do a New Year’s resolution. One of mine is to clear the clutter! Throw away papers I just don’t need.

  42. Eat healthier and try more of Ree’s recipes. Her fruit salad with vanilla orange syrup is the most requested dish at my house and we love the easy Greek salad. Happy New Year to all.

  43. I don’t make resolutions. I try to do my best, always think of others and how they feel and not beat myself up about things that I can’t change.

  44. My resolution this year is to be nice to myself. .. in other words, stop being so critical of myself. :/

  45. As I sit here after putting “The a Perfect Potroast” in the oven, I resolve to kick back in my new cowboy boots and take time for my wonderful family. (And I can’t forget my crazy lab Lucy, who is snorting in the corner).

  46. Yes! I have a new year’s resolution! Mine is to be more organized with my home life (cooking, cleaning, laundry) so I can enjoy the moments at home instead of work through them!!!

  47. I don’t make New Years resolutions. Daily I focus on trying to do my best and love others. It’s funny though because God does give revelations sometimes:o)

  48. My New Years resolution is to stick to a clean eating and workout plan after my son is born is April. I want to be below pre-pregnancy weight by next New Years.

  49. I plan to daily write down a blessing in my life as a reminder of how God is working and present in both good times and bad! I will keep them in a jar that I can pull out and read when I need some encouragement.

  50. I chose to do the one word project. My one word is PRAY. My goal is to pray about things instead of talking or complaining about them so much. Thanks for the chance to win

  51. I usually don’t make resolutions on New Year in particular. However, this year I’ve places this quote on my bathroom mirror and have followed it pretty well:

  52. I resolve to get rid of the clutter in my house/closets/garage. I do this every few years and it is such a rewarding and gratifying feeling!! Absolutely freeing, and I never miss a thing!!

  53. I do not make New Years resolutions, but since I just moved to share a house with my parents I look forward to preparing nearly all meals. Another cookbook from Ree would be awesome! ( I have her 1st one, “The Pioneer Woman Cooks”).
    I Love and have cooked almost 3/4 of the recipes in her book. Thank you for your very nice site and for sharing the smoothie recipe. I’m gonna try it.

  54. New Year’s resolutions usually read like a to-do list for the first couple weeks. Then they just fade away…

  55. My resolutions this year are to (try) not to sweat the little things and make more time for family.

  56. Yes! My resolutions consist of: read my bible daily, eat healthier, be more open-minded, eat out less!

  57. I try not to make resolutions. They seem to always be forgotten within a month. Or week. Okay, or day. Subtle changes work better…like winning contests. Yes, that is my resolution, to win contests. 🙂

  58. I have made New Years resolutions before and like everyone I know has fallen victim to temptations that we try to control but give in and indulge anyways! This year I decided to not make a resolution but a revolution and lifestyle change. I plan on a change in the way I treat my body mind and soul. First starting with better food. The better food you take in helps replenish your body, than when you feel better your mind feels better and than your soul feels better….→a revolution!

  59. I dont normally make new years resolutions but this year the whole family is going to try and be more healthy. Eating right, exercising, and making more time for each other.

  60. I resolve to be a nicer person. I am already pretty nice. This morning I went to recycle my cans and bottles for cash. At the recycling center I gave all the cash to the guy who works there. It made me feel good and he was thrilled. I resolve to help people out this year when ever I can, even if it is only $18… Happy New Year!

    • What a terrific “Pay-It-Forward” idea! Bless your heart, bigbassmanphd. Sometimes I think to buy Starbucks for the person behind me at the drive-through line – but I like your idea even better! Have a great 2014!

  61. I don’t usually make resolutions, but I like to embrace the promise of a new start and try to make the best of this year

  62. No resolutions but always try to do better than the year before, even the little things count!

  63. No, I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions, never do. But I hope to clean out the junk in my house this year. Pray for me!

  64. I never used to make New Year’s resolutions, but in recent years I’ve realized all I was doing was taking yet another opportunity to put off making changes that needed to be made. So. This year, number one on my list is I’m resolving to stop procrastinating!

  65. I quit making an official list of resolutions when I was about 30. Now I just try to be the best person I can each day. Of course, some days are better than others, and as Stuart Smalley would say, “And that’s… OK.” We none of us are perfect, as much as this first-born perfectionist would like to be. I do try to learn something new every day. Am glad to say – this is EASY to do. Happy New Year, everyone!

  66. I try the weight thing every year and it never works. This year i’m gonna try and clean out all the junk i never use, but hate to get rid of. If someone threw it out without me knowing, i probably would never miss it. It’s when i see it, i hate to throw it out.

  67. I don’t make a formal resolution as I always have trouble keeping them but I try to have a better year than the one that just ended and I always try to lose weight but I’m not very successful at it!

  68. My resolution is to finish what I started 2 years ago. I have lost around 80 pounds and my goal is 100. I have accomplished this through cooking at home, so that I can control my ingredients and portions. Through this I have found a love of cooking. Nothing more satisfying than making my family good nutritious meals that are yummy!

  69. I don’t make resolutions; they are meant to be broken. I do set realistic goals for myself, though. This year my goal is to tack on another 25 lbs to the 135 lbs that I’ve already lost. I want to get below that 200 lb mark!

  70. I normally don’t make New Year’s Resolutions, but this year, I want to read a book each month. I have really been slack about finishing books I’ve started.

  71. I made a resolution to eat healthier and really enjoy my food, not just scarf some fast food down before I get back to work. I would love to win the cookbook!

  72. I sometimes make New Years resolutions, but for the most part I think it needs to be something that you are really passionate about, otherwise odds of keeping it is very low. Live every day with no regrets and enjoy your friends and family!

  73. I usually don’t make resolutions for the new year. However, this year I am vowing to eat healthier. I have to get my weight down, but dieting just doesn’t work / last. So it is going to be more cooking-less eating out. Annnd…I have to start a regular form of exercise. Hope the new year brings you everything you desire! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the giveaway!

  74. No I do not. I try to make the needed life changes throughout the year, why wait to do the right thing.

  75. First time to do a resolution. This year I and going to try to do one new thing a day. As a challenge. Read I dare me by Luann Cahn. It’s inspiring

  76. Best resolution ever: try one new restaurant a month. Totally nailed that one. Then we had kids! And I have not made many new year resolutions since then.

  77. I absolutely love a smoothie. I enjoy one everyday with my nurtrabullet! New Years resolution typically hasnt ever happened. One year was to quit smoking, as I rang in the new year with a cigarette. Since then its been almost seven years since I quit. This year I would like to resolve to be a better me, Not to get angry, to let the lord lead me ,and most importantly to spend more time really istening when my children speak. I really like your idea of food family and friends. I also absolutely love everything the pioneer woman cooks. I have her first cookbook.

  78. I do make New Year’s Resolutions- this year mine are to be nicer to my mom, communicate with my family more that live far away or I’m not as close to, to live a healthier lifestyle all around, and to read more.

  79. I don’t bother with resolutions. I just try to do the right things all year long – emphasis on “try”! I love Ree’s recipes!!

  80. I make my resolutions on my birthday, resolving to be better by my next birthday than I am that day.

  81. My thoughts for 2014, (I’m no good with resolutions!), include having more fun and showing gratitude.
    Thank you and Happy New Year!

  82. I don’t really make resolutions once a year. I just try to be a better person each year. Thanks for the giveaway. Looks wonderful!

  83. The same resolution I make every year… positive healthy habits. This is the year it will stick!

  84. I always make at least one resolution; it is to get myself organized. Over and over I fail!!

  85. I seem to have had New Year intentions of focusing my behavior toward a particular path – only to emerge from the holiday madness sometime in February without any clear plan for the year. I would just keep chugging away raising my family, cooking, cleaning, and car-pooling myself into yet another unfocused year. Not much about my behavior has changed. If I don’t put myself at the top of the list now that my youngest is a college freshman, I’m afraid that I never will – especially as I am back working full-time. So, this year I am making formal resolutions and goals. I haven’t quite got it all worked out but I will by my birthday which arrives on Wednesday. I figure that if I can’t quite get my act together for the start of the official New Year on January 1, maybe an even better deadline is my birthday on January 8th. After all it is the start of a new year of my life.

  86. In 2014, my long distance boyfriend and I are trying 365grateful. At the end of every night we are emailing each other a picture from that day along with something that we reflected on and are grateful for. Apparently, reflection and gratitude are the keys to happiness… And boy do we need it being in a long distance relationship.

    I gave this cookbook as a gift this year but desperately wanted to keep it for myself. I have the Ree’s first book and swear by all her recipes! Would LOVE to have a signed version! And just in time for my birthday, Jan. 10! 🙂

  87. I’ve never really done resoultions – though I usually spend the late winter-early spring getting rid of post-Christmas pounds 🙂 Sometimes I have moreof a “focus” for the year, but basically I’m a scallywag and don’t commit to things on Jan 1st!

  88. I usually don’t make resolutions, but this year I am SERIOUS about loosing weight and eating healthier!

  89. I guess I kind of do; New Years is a good time to re-evaluate life. I usually plan to increase my activity level, lose weight, and be more diligent in daily Bible reading. At the end of the year I review to see if I’ve met my goal, then revise and set a new goal. This doesn’t need to be done Jan 1, but can be done at any time of the year.

  90. My news years resolution is get my self healthy,after two years of taking care of taking my husband and helping him recover from two major illnesses and taking care of threeelderly family members,somewhere i lost me.

  91. No resolutions. Hmmm, maybe a resolution to be even happier because I’m still here and enjoying every day.

  92. I don’t intentionally make a list of resolutions, but the whole idea of a new year inspires me to try once more. Sometimes it takes a year’s worth of experiences to make me ready to realistically tackle those dreams again. I may be the same weight as I was 365 days ago, with the same depleted bank account, but I have renewed a empathy for others and a quiet contentment with my life I didn’t have one year ago.

  93. Every year I vow to lose weight and stop using curse words. Every year I fail. Well, two years (out of ten) I lost some weight but gained it back – plus some! This year I’ll try again. Wish me luck!

  94. New resolutions for 2014 are few. Biggest one to work on is doing more socializing with friends of old.

  95. my resolution to become more financially stable, as of right now i am holding true to that but we never know what the economy will bring.

  96. This year my resolution was to get more organized with life. I have two small children and am running in circles trying to keep up with everything! I bought a planner and have set a reminder for evey Sunday to go through my week!

  97. I do make new year’s resolutions just the same as i do for every other day of my life! On the particular day of New Years my resolution happened to be to look at life as my child does; to stop and smell the roses!

  98. My resolutions: To love with passionate, fearless abandon. To adore myself (fragility, failures, flaws and all). To find the mundane absolutely, soul-shatteringly thrilling (because simply being alive is as breathtaking as anything gets). To fill my life with as much beauty and quirk as I can cram in.

  99. Hi! I found your blog through The Pioneer Woman’s blog and I REALLY like what I have read! It would be AWESOME to win Ree’s book! As far as New Year’s Resolutions… My 3 boys and I have made some. Reading more for the boys and I want to head back to the gym. Giving myself some “me” time makes me a better mom and being more healthy is a plus for the whole family! Happy New Year Wenderly and fellow readers!

  100. I love making lists, so I just resolve to keep working on the ones I already have – activities I’d like to keep pursuing, places to visit, small habits like maintenance cleaning for 10 minutes a day.

  101. Not so much resolutions, but more of an effort at life organization…whether it’s blogging (that I’ve neglected for a couple of years!), organizing, experimenting with new recipes, going to church, etc. If I’m more organized in my time, I know there’s a lot that I can give and share. 🙂 And, Happy New Year to you and yours!

  102. Just stumbled on your site from the Pioneer Woman’s site. Yours look great too. My new year resolution is to live with less this year — I need to purge all the clutter in my life and give stuff away!

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