Sweet, Sweet Spring

Ahhhhh, sweet, sweet Spring how I love thee.

I’m not sure just what it is about Spring, but I find that I seem to have a hop in my step and a smile on my lips even on the craziest of days.

Today is a typical Monday after a verrrrrry hectic, very whirlwind weekend and instead of curling up in a ball in the corner somewhere, I have been enamored with Spring and all her GLORY! My 9 year old daughter, Sweet Cheeks, absolutely LOVES the author, Douglas Florian and especially his four books that are collections of his poems and paintings that capture each season. This particular poem seems to be very poignant on a day like today.

What I Love About Spring

Trees are growing

Streams are flowing

Cool spring showers

Blooming flowers

Caterpillars creep

Peepers peep

Playing sports

Wearing shorts

April Fools’

Swimming pools

Going places

Relay races

Days are longer

Sun is stronger

Every morning songbirds sing-

I love nearly everything!

~Douglas Florian

Do yourself a favor during your busy hectic day,

Set some time aside for you to take a rest or play,

The work you have will still be there, waiting patiently…

Take this advice from my sweet little pooch, my darling dog, Oakley!

Stop and smell the flowers…



Married my soulmate. Mama of 2. Love to inspire. Can't help but to relish in all things beautiful inside & out. Join me in Savoring the Art of Living.


  1. So very, very true. Wish I would’ve read this earlier – could’ve used the encouragement to stop and take a breather.

    Hope you’re doing well.

  2. I loved this post! I actually did “visit” my flower beds, first thing this morning. We had just worked on them, on Saturday, and I wanted to see their little faces smiling back at me. I think it gave me a clearer head to get more work done. Feature a thing like that! It was so nice to meet you at the Pioneer Woman’s book signing event. I’ll enjoy reading your posts and share them with others. Hugs! Wanda

    • Thanks Wanda! 🙂 Nothing I enjoy more than “visiting” my garden first thing, with a big o’cup of coffee of course! Ahhhh, heaven! Loved meeting u 2! Thanks for reading and hope 2 see you again sometime when we can chit chat a bit more! Hugs back atcha! 🙂

  3. So true. Some plants only show us their blossoms in the spring, so take in their beauty while they are blooming!

    I transplanted some perennial English daisies this past weekend – can’t wait til they grow nice and full. I’m very proud of them ’cause I started them from seeds!

  4. Darlin’ I knew that we had more than Post It Notes for our Post It Notes in common 🙂 Early morning strolls with coffee in hand through the garden are my favorite. Right now the Hollyhocks are blooming 🙂 I so enjoyed meeting you and Yanni. I wish that I could have stayed a bit longer.

    • I wish you could have too! Yanni and I so enjoyed your sweet lil ole self as well! 🙂 I won’t say “I hope” to hang another time soon, I’d rather say,” lookin foward ” to the next time being longer than the first! 🙂

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