
Popchip-alicious Encrusted BBQ Chicken (& Giveaway)




These are just a few of the words that popped into my head as I was scarfing my way through bags of popchips as I sat on a plane in San Francisco preparing to fly cross country back to my safe haven of suburbia.

I had just attended BlogHer Food 2010 and was in no way prepared for the multitude of fantastic people, phenomenal food, plethora of information and bags of swag that I would be encountering.

I mean, wow.

I hadn’t slept in over 24 hours, I had enough adrenaline pumping through my veins to fuel the plane in which I sat and I had just been forced to walk about 5 miles (most of which was outside AND it was 4:00 a.m. AND pitch black) just to get to my correct terminal.

Which reminds me that I need to fire my secretary a.s.a.p.

Needless to say, by the time my fanny hit the seat in that plane I was ready to have a meltdown. I knew that I’d feel much better after some breakfast and a little nap. I patiently waited for breakfast to be served and then quickly realized that, um there would be no breakfast. And I was facing about 10 hours of travel, 2 plane changes, one time change and I had packed all of my swag on my bag that was now so nicely stowed beneath the plane.

Through a blur of sweat and tears, I frantically dug in my bag to find, something, anything, a piece of gum, a lone lifesaver specked with mystery fuzz. I didn’t care. I needed some nourishment and I needed it now.

It was then that I saw them, tucked neatly and placed to the side of my bag as to not get crushed, 3 bags of popchips <insert angelic music with parting clouds here>.  Now I remember…I had decided to put the popchips in my bag because they were light and would be a perfect snack.

Note to self, don’t fire my secretary. I guess that I’m o.k. after all.

If I had a video of the glee and elation that I experienced while eating all three of those delicious bags of popchips while on that plane…

well, I probably couldn’t share it with you because it would be too embarrassing but let’s just say I was mighty happy.

Once I got home the nice people of popchips asked me if I’d like to do a review & a giveaway. Are you kidding me? OF COURSE! These light & crunchy, packed with flavor, low fat little rounds of heaven needed to be passed on to my readers. Not to mention, my poor family with whom I had already shared my life and death story and then sheepishly had to admit that no, they couldn’t sample these incredible chips that had saved my life because they were…all gone.

The minute I received this oh-so-fun-box and POPPED it open, I knew just what I had to do.

I had to make a meal out of these little yummies for my whole family to enjoy.

And boy did they.

Now you can too.

Without further adieu, I give popchip-alicious encrusted BBQ chicken to you.

These would be the supporting characters…flour, BBQ seasoning, an egg, and chicken breasts.

And but of course, the star of the show…BBQ popchips.

The first thing you’ll want to do is pour your bag of popchips into a zip lock bag, seal it, and roll the popchips with a rolling pin. Now make sure to smush them up into small pieces, small enough to easily stick to the chicken without turning into mush.

Now it’s time to put your assembly line together. Pour about 1 cup of flour onto a plate and add about 1/4 cup of BBQ seasonings and mix well with a fork.

Next grab a second plate (preferably with a lip) for the egg that’s been lightly beaten and then a third plate for your smushed popchips.

This is what your assembly line should look like…

Now the fun begins.

Grab your chicken breast and cover it with the flour mixture,

don’t forget to cover the other side.

Next, pop I mean, plop the chicken ever so gently, into the egg, on both sides…

then joyfully smather the chicken with the popchips.

Make sure to get plenty of the crunchy yummy little pieces all over the chicken until the chicken is literally popping with popchips.

Cheesy I know, but I couldn’t resist.

Next place the popchip-alicious encrusted chicken breasts onto a baking sheet…

and POP them into the oven…

and then into your mouth.

Repeat as necessary.

Wishing you popchip-alicious days and POP-tacular nights,


Here’s the recipe…and be sure not to miss the GIVEAWAY below!

Popchip-alicious Encrusted BBQ Chicken
serves 4

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • four chicken breasts
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 bag popchips
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup BBQ seasoning
  • 1 large zip lock bag

Here’s what you’ll do:

Preheat the oven to 375º. Next, pat your chicken breasts with a paper towel until dry, set aside. Pour your bag of BBQ popchips into a large zip lock bag and roll over popchips with rolling pin until smashed into small pieces. Then on a small plate, mix 1 cup of flour with 1/4 of BBQ seasonings, on a second small plate beat your egg and lastly on a third plate, pour the smashed popchips that will become the delicious crust. You are ready to begin the assembly process. First, cover both side a chicken breast with the flour mixture, then dip in egg and finally cover generously in the smashed popchips. Repeat the process until you’ve covered each chicken breast. Bake the encrusted chicken on a baking sheet for 30-45 minutes depending on thickness of chicken and until chicken is cooked through.


**************Popchips Giveaway!********************

O.k. now here’s your chance to win a POP-tacular case of assorted popchips for yourself!

You get 2, yes I said TWO chances to win!
1. Leave me a comment below telling me what you would do with a case of popchips if YOU win! Would you share them? Hide them for yourself? Create your own recipe?
2. Go to popchips facebook page and “like” them and then post a comment on their wall telling them about this giveaway here at Wenderly.com and then come back here and tell me that you did.

Giveaway begins today Friday December 3, 2010 and ends Friday December 10, 2010 at Midnight EST. 1 winner will be randomly selected and announced in the morning on Saturday December 11, 2010.

Happy Snacking all and good luck!

I would like to thank the POP-tabulous people at popchips for sending me the oh-so-fun case of popchips and for supplying another one for one of  YOU lucky readers!  I must mention that this contest is only open to U.S. residents. Sorry to my Canadian friends.

****************WE HAVE A WINNER*******************

The time has come to announce the winner of the popchips case! We have one lucky winner….

Are you ready?

The winner is…..

Rachel who said,

“I would scarf the whole box down because I love PopChips that much! No really – I’d love to try encrusting them in tofu, similar to your technique for a unique way of flavoring!!

Rachel I will be contacting you about your prize details via email!

A BIG thanks to all who participated in The popchips giveaway this week!

Happy Snacking!



Married my soulmate. Mama of 2. Love to inspire. Can't help but to relish in all things beautiful inside & out. Join me in Savoring the Art of Living.


  1. I am OBSESSED with Popchips. I buy a bag every time I go to Target and then I finish them before the end of the day. Best chips ever.

    If I was to win I would probably just eat more of them but I’d love to use the BBQ ones to make some baked onion rings.

  2. Okay, I missed these little goodies at BlogHer. I’ll be the original flavor ones could be worked into a cookie somehow…or maybe as a variation on Rice Krispies treats.

  3. If I won a whole case of Popchips, I would dump them all out and swim in them like Scrooge McDuck did with all his gold coins.

    Or, I’d just eat them and make this super yummy chicken with them.

    Either would be pretty awesome.

  4. I would definitely try some and share with my friends! I am glad you were not stuck on the plane without any food at all! And your chicken looked great!

  5. I’ve honestly never had them but I love the idea of your chicken! Any kind of crunchy tasty coating is great in my book and I love bbq so it’s a great option. I think I’d have a hard time sharing the bags but would likely give in.

  6. Look at my nom de plume – obviously I’m just going to shovel them into my face. But I’d think really hard about doing something creative with them like you did…

  7. Ooooh this sounds so yummy! I love BBQ pop chips! I’d probably like the others too but haven’t had the chance to try them yet! What I like to do with my Pop Chips is to dip them into my chili! So I’d probably do a little of that, give some out to share the fabulousness with others, and then I’d try your recipe! 🙂

  8. I just posted the news of the giveaway on Facebook and Twitter. I first learned about Popchips on Facebook and after reading about them I couldn’t wait to try them. They are such a healthier alternative to regular potato chips and they make recipes that call for chips so much healthier. I just can’t say enough about them. I just wish more stores carried them.

  9. hi again! I just posted a comment and link to your giveaway on the popchips FB page! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  10. I would love to win PopChips! I LOVE the BBQ flavor & can’t wait to try this recipe! I’d use the PopChips to make the chicken:)

  11. I’m in love with PopChips! They are SO good! And my favorite happens to be the little BBQ ones you used in your recipe, which sounds Yum-O! I guess I would be forced to share some with my husband and daughter, but I wouldn’t be happy about it..:)

  12. I first encountered Popchips in a event goodie bag and was jonesing for a snack and remembered
    their existence in the trunk. I pulled over, got a bag of sour cream and onion out of the trunk and
    the love affair began. Thank goodness Target started to carry them. Grease less goodness in a bag!

  13. I would scarf the whole box down because I love PopChips that much! No really – I’d love to try encrusting them in tofu, similar to your technique for a unique way of flavoring!!

  14. I am un-employed and low, in finances and spirits. I would make the case of Pop Chips last as long as I could so I would have something to eat after my current supply runs out.

  15. PopChips have been my fave snack for awhile now. If I had a case of them I would keep a bag for myself, use the rest of the case as stocking stuffers then donate the price of the case to Project Angel Food! That’s my idea for a great holiday season!

  16. I would eat most of the Popchips myself. I would, however, share a bag or two with my daughters.

  17. Just posted this…” Just entered to win a case of Popchips with Wenderly.com!!” on Popchips Facebook page.

  18. Neither myself nor my family has tried PoPchips, so if I win, I would share. (Unless I tried them first and found them too hard to resist!) Hahaha (evil version of laugh)

  19. yumm…. I hate to say it, but I’d probably hoard all the chips & eat them myself!

  20. I’m in LOVE with Popchips!! I’ve gotten my husband, son, nieces, friends, mother, brothers, well, you get the idea….Everyone I love in my life is hooked on them too. They’re already wrapped under the tree for our son!

  21. I love the recipe and will try it when I can fully chew again. I made sure to tell the POPChips FB people about your contest for other of their fans to see, and if I won a box of popchips I would share them with some of my clients. I’m a travel consultant and I think they’re a super snack when you’re on the go. They don’t crack as easilly as many snacks and they have some nutrition for a quick pick me up on the go (or at home!). I’d certainly keep some for myself, but I always share!

  22. I popped over to FB and made a comment about giveaway. I already liked the page a while back!

  23. Bring on the case of Popchips and I will share them with all my friends and
    family over the holidays and during the Super Bowl. I do plan on trying the recipe
    cause it loves crunchier than the Coronel’s chicken!

  24. I love popchips and if I win, I’d share them and spread the love! I think I’d try ur chicken popchip recipe or a hungry girl recipe since popchips are AMAZING!! Did I mention that their guilt-free which is another bonus?!?

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