Follow The Star

Isn’t it funny how you can look at the same decorations year after year and then all of sudden, that little snowman that you have moved around your mantel or coffee table a thousand times can just reach out and tap, tap, tap you on the heart?

That just happened to me this past weekend.

I’m not even sure when this little snowman came into my life.

If I bought him or if he was a gift.

I can’t even begin to tell you about the last time he’s actually seen the light of day and not just the inside of a Christmas box. Much less, be one of the selected members lucky enough to be displayed in the many Christmas vignettes that are sprinkled about my house. (I happen to have a lot of Christmas decorations o.k.- let’s just leave it at that).

But somehow, this year, as I was scurrying about fluffing and primping in a mad dash, trying to beat my own clock, this little guy stopped me dead in my tracks…

He just seemed so peaceful

so content.

The very essence of what I was so frantically trying to capture.

I then noticed, for what seemed like the first time, his sweet little wings

that innocently adorn his back.

I admired the precious little nest that he wears on his head as a crown…

just waiting quietly and patiently for those in need of a home.

No questions asked.

And I read the message that he so delicately has tucked in his arm.

A message that I am familiar with, but sometimes need to be reminded.

Instantaneously I felt all of my holiday stress melt away…

As I placed that little snowman angel in his spot.

And I found myself contentedly wrapped in peace…as I relished in the reason for the season.

Wishing you peace this holiday season & always,



Married my soulmate. Mama of 2. Love to inspire. Can't help but to relish in all things beautiful inside & out. Join me in Savoring the Art of Living.


  1. Aww. What a sweet, happy snowguy. Love the tree bokeh, too.

    At some point every Christmas season, I’m bitten by the “I need new decorations!” bug. This is usually brought on by a Crate & Barrel catalog or a quick browse of the holiday section at Target. Luckily, it only lasts for a few minutes until I realize that I have a box full of sentimental (albeit mismatched) ornaments and decorations waiting for me in our closet. Some were bought new, some given as gifts, some handed down but all of them have a story. It’s pretty cool.

  2. God has wonderful ways to make us stop and relish the meaning of the season! What a sweet little guy to bring you back around to Him!

    Hopefully the girls will read this post…and conversations will begin around the dinner table of His blessings.
    Love, Nana

  3. isn’t it funny Wendy, how one thing grabs your attention when you least expect it? i had that happen to me yesterday – watching a video clip of Handel’s Messiah – broke down sobbing but in a good way. i am so grateful for those moments because they really do cause us to pause in our hectic, crazy lives, and just wonder. wonder about how small we are in a very big world . . . and how much we’re loved. hugs to you, dear Wendy, enjoy this season!

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