Greekify Your Dog

Today’s post was brought to you by my darling 13 year old daughter, Sassafras. The recipe, photos, story…the whole kit-en-kabootle. I can’t take any credit except for giving her life.
Signed, One Beaming Mama.


Ever wish you could make a dog treat for your dog that is nutritious and delicious? Well now you can. These treats are 100% organic and they are so tasty that you might even want a bite! (I don’t recommend sampling them, though) Made with fresh, Greek ingredients that make your dog feel like they’re one of the family. My family is from Greece, so I decided that we should share the love with our adorable dog too!

First, coat your pan generously with extra virgin olive oil- which is coveted in our household. I’d say a tablespoon or two.

Next, get about a cup and a half of spinach leaves and rinse them off well. Drain the leaves and pour them into the oiled pan.

Sautê the spinach for 30-60 seconds over medium heat. They cook pretty fast so I would suggest watching the pan as they are cooking. After the leaves are wilted and saturated well with the olive oil, take them off of the heat. Put them directly into a food processor and puree thoroughly.

We also have a few other ingredients. 1/2 cup of feta cheese, 1 egg, 1 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour, and 1/2 cup of water.

Add the ingredients together and mix well.

You will end up with a lovely mixture that looks something like this.

Next, flour your working surface, along with your hands, and spread the dough out. Choose a cookie cutter and begin punching your shapes out. Place the biscuits on a cooking tray- they do not have to be far apart while baking, because they don’t spread.

Now, what would be a finishing touch without olive oil? Not only is it great for your dog’s coat and joints, but it makes for a nice crunchy top. After the cookies are coated pop them into the oven at 375º for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Take them out and admire your work. It’s not that hard, is it?

This recipe makes for a very happy dog…. and hey, you won’t feel too bad yourself.



Organic Greek Dog Treats


1 1/2 cups fresh spinach

1 egg

1/2 cup feta cheese

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

1/2 cup water


1. Rinse off spinach. Coat pan evenly with olive oil and sautee spinach for 30-60 seconds on medium heat.

2. Use a food processor to puree the wilted spinach leaves.

3. Combine other ingredients with the pureed spinach and mix thoroughly.

4. Roll out dough and cut into desired shapes.

5. Place on baking sheet and brush the tops with olive oil.

6. Bake at 375º for 20-25 minutes.

7. Feed to your dog.


Married my soulmate. Mama of 2. Love to inspire. Can't help but to relish in all things beautiful inside & out. Join me in Savoring the Art of Living.


  1. What a fantastic post!!! I’m SOOOO impressed! and I know Cullen would love it if I made him some of these tasty looking treats!!!

    and Wendy……..I think you may have a new contributor on your hands……or maybe a competitor! lol GREAT job Sassafras!

  2. Wow!! What a fantastic post, Sassafras! The photos and descriptions and everything. I especially love the picture of the “very happy dog”. Too cute!

  3. I’m thinking your dog treats look like a pretty good appetizer, no?
    What a great post. I see potential here! Future blogger??

  4. Ok, how cute is your dog and what a great treat! Thanks for sharing Sassafrass!! I have never made my pup homemade treats, have always wanted to! Looks easy enough! Thanks for the wonderful post! 🙂

  5. AWESOME POST SASSAFRAS!!!! and that ever so cute dog looks mighty, mighty happy!!! Wendy dear, i do believe you’ve found yourself a regular contributor!!

  6. Wow….great post, great pictures! I don’t even have a DOG and I want to make these! I think we have a new blogger in out midst! 🙂

  7. Um, me thinks that we have a future blog star on our hands!!! Great styling… great writing… and what a happy dog!!! Wonderfully done!

  8. Dear Sassafrass ~ This is only the second blog I’ve ever read, mainly because I’m a dog. I occasionally visit another blogger whenever the owner posts stories and pictures about her three dogs…we always have a nice visit. My owner thought I would enjoy your post and honestly, I’m very impressed! Not only by your delicious looking snack that I will definitely add to the recipe box but also by your excellent writing skills. Thanks for sharing (your dog is very cute and sure does look happy with those treats that I’m craving now!) Two Paws Up!
    Sincerely ~ Maximus

  9. Hi Sassafrass! Great blog post. I compliment you on making such delicious treats for your fur baby. I have three puppy children myself (they blog too) so I totally get the need to share the love. These pup treats look really yummy. Woo, Woo, Woof. Your dog is adorable and you mama should be proud!

  10. A star is born! Excellent post, creative and very informative. I’ve never “home made” a thing for my yorkie, but I think she will find these simply irresistible, so I’m printing up the recipe. Thanks a bunch, nicely done. Bet you have one proud Momma!

  11. These are so great! You are one articulate teenager, my dear. Your mama is right to be proud! You made me wish I had a dog just so I could bake these, Miss Sassy. Wonder if I could convince the cats that they’re part Greek…

  12. I am trying these ASAP. Thank you Sassafrass,so much for sharing. Our five girls, four Pekes and one Chi, will enjoy these, I am sure. And these treats will be so much healthier than the processed ‘store’ treats. What a surprise to find this on my first visit to you page. Thansks again, from Bedford, TX.

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