While in the midst of all of the fabulous 4th 0f July festivities this weekend, it occurred to me that I have now been a “blogger” for 3 months.
Yep, it’s true.
Roughly 12 weeks, 2 days, 9 hours and 23 minutes of raw, uninterrupted adrenaline pumping through my veins. But who’s counting?
I launched this little blog of mine on Easter morning April 4th. I must say that I was in no way prepared for the incredible adventure that has unfolded in front if me thus far. From the first moment that I had clicked the publish button to post “We’re Expecting” to sharing with the world how we sadly became “Empty Nesters” it’s been a magical fairytale. Don’t get me wrong, there are many long hours and hard work involved. Not to mention the humongous messes in my kitchen, sticky surprises on my little point & shoot camera and the looooong hours of trying to perfect a post. But I must say that I’ve truly never been happier. I find myself whistling while I work and retiring each day with my soul fed.
Who could ask for more?
Looking back at my adventure, I find myself dazzled and amazed by all of the fantastic people and experiences that I’ve had in only three months. I was honored to have been chosen by Amy of She Wears Many Hats to receive a “beautiful blogger” award. Amy is a very talented and wonderful fellow blogger as well as a new-found friend. I entered and won a grilling contest that Robyn of Our Homeschool Home hosts on her fun blog. I embarked on a journey with My Yanni to Meet Ree the Pioneer Woman at her book signing in Charlotte, NC. An experience I’ll never forget.
And then there are all of you amazing readers, supporters, family and friends that I owe many thanks from the bottom of my heart! Without all of your enthusiasm, encouragement and comments I would be lonely and wandering.
Thank you all so very much.
From the bottom of my heart.
This little blog of mine has not only introduced me to new and exciting friends and experiences but it has also reconnected me with dear “old friends” such as Diane of MomoFali. And by “old” I mean we knew each other in college and have been reconnected through this mysterious and wonderful world of blogging.
And we were in college but a few mere years ago, o.k. decades ago, but once again who’s counting?
The point is, life is short.
Follow your heart.
Do what you love.
And fabulous things will happen.
And aside from meeting and marrying My Yanni, giving birth to my 2 wonderful daughters and of course drinking my first cup of coffee in the morning, this blogging thing makes me feel like this…
For me it’s only been 12 weeks, 2 days, 9 hours and 23 minutes…
of bliss.
Can’t wait for the rest of the story to unfold.
Hope you’ll join me.
Awww…I know what you mean. Keep up the good work darlin’!!
Thanks love!
I’ll join you!
Congratulations on a job well done!
I’m glad you’ll join me Momo!
What a beautiful job you’re doing with your blog, too! I always look forward to your next post.
Thank you Lana! That makes me so happy!
I agree wholeheartedly! You have such a wonderful way with words. Blogging has been one big twist and turn after another. I hope we can both look back years from now and still be reading each others thoughts and daily happenings.
And did you really have to mention that college was decades ago? I’ve never thought of it in decades. That’s just sad.
Thank you so much Miss Amy, I hope that we can look back years from now and do the same thing! And did I really say that *out loud* about college being decades ago?
Congratulations! I’m relatively new to your blog (thanks to Momo Fali for the introduction). I love what you’re doing!
Blogging pretty much changed my life. I finally found a place to put words to “paper” and what a world that opened up for me.
Keep up the great work!
Kathy, I’m so glad that you found me through Momo! Thanks so much for your kind words!